Top 10 Nutrition & Diet Resources for Families

Healthy Eating habits for kids

Top 10 Nutrition & Diet Resources for Families

Nutrition is one of the most important pillars of a child’s health and development. Teaching kids healthy eating habits early on can set the foundation for a lifetime of wellness. To help parents and caregivers navigate the world of children’s nutrition, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 Nutrition & Diet resources from trusted websites and organizations. These resources are packed with expert advice, visual tools, and practical tips to ensure children develop healthy eating habits.

  1. MyPlate for Kids
    Offers a visual guide to help educate and encourage children to eat well, featuring examples of best-choice foods to inspire healthy meals and snacks2.
  2. CDC’s Nutrition for Kids
    Provides comprehensive information on healthy eating for children, including tips on introducing fruits and vegetables, and age-specific dietary recommendations4.
  3. USDA’s Team Nutrition Resource Library
    Features a handbook with nutrition and wellness tips for young children, covering topics from building a healthy plate to encouraging active play6.
  4. Choose My Plate Icon Guide
    A guideline to help parents and children eat a healthy diet, emphasizing the right amount of calories and fat from various food groups5.
  5. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate
    A visual guide that emphasizes the importance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy proteins in a child’s diet2.
  6. USDA’s Healthy Eating for Kids Tip Sheet
    Provides practical tips for offering variety in meals, connecting at mealtime, and making good nutrition easy for children1.
  7. Florida Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program Nutrition Guide
    Offers guidance on increasing children’s intake of essential vitamins and minerals, and helping them maintain a healthy weight7.
  8. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s School-Aged Child Nutrition Guide
    Provides helpful feeding information for school-age children, including nutrition and activity tips5.
  9. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Nutrition Resources
    Offers nutrition tools and resources such as recipes, nutrition news, curricula, and tips for parents8.
  10. USDA FoodData Central
    A comprehensive resource for finding out detailed nutritional information about the food children eat8.

These guides provide a wealth of information on promoting healthy eating habits in children, from practical tips for parents to educational resources for kids themselves. They cover various aspects of nutrition, including balanced meal planning, introducing new foods, and understanding nutritional needs at different ages. By utilizing these resources, families can help ensure their children develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.



U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). MyPlate for Kids. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, May 7). Nutrition for kids. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Team Nutrition Resource Library. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Choose My Plate Icon Guide. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). Kid’s healthy eating plate. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Healthy eating for kids tip sheet. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (n.d.). Summer Food Service Program Nutrition Guide. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Retrieved from

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (n.d.). School-aged child nutrition guide. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Retrieved from

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Nutrition resources. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from

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